Friday, December 31, 2021

Meta, Delta, Crypto, Deivam!

 Oh, My Cron...Sorry! meant to type Oh My God and auto correct prompted it to Oh My Cron. The title of the blog and the blog itself is inspired by the hierarchical people to be revered in life, which is imbibed in Indian traditional values which goes thus, Maatha (Mother), Pitha (Father), Guru (Teacher), Deivam (God)

The title kind of sums up the journey each one of the inhabitants of planet Earth went through the last year. I will try and present my perspectives from the New Normal Point of view here. Not necessarily in the same order as the traditional one.

Delta: I slowed down on my blogs after I wrote two on the Covid19 virus and then felt that this was becoming monotonous and there was nothing else interesting going around to write about. Since then Covid 19 has moved on to 20, 21 and 22 versions eclipsing the likes of Windows, iPhone and Samsung launches and, in the process, taking along with it half a dozen Greek alphabets too, at least the names of the virus took us back to some elementary high school algebra. Waiting for versions named after Fourier and Laplace, guess they have reserved that for more severe mutants. As the virus continues to hold us at where it matters the most, humankind (to be gender neutral) has been brought to its knees praying to God.

Meta: As Delta was raging and reigning over the world there came along another Greek alphabet to establish absolute supremacy over humankind. This time it was man made, and there was no ambiguity on the origins of this unlike the Delta. Meta promised unparalleled joy and experience. An avatar we could take and express and enjoy ourselves and yet do not be ourselves at the same time. As it is, I’m yet to understand the difference between a Story and a STORY and Reel and REAL, for me story was all about emotions, the truth and real flesh blood experiences and even if it was a fictitious one it was well within my realm of imagination. Unfortunately, the stories of today are so ephemeral and make believe and false smiles and laughs and those that ‘influence’ you and others around. The meters and meters of reels were rolled around several spools to create magic that captured emotions. Today a 30 Second snapshots of 100’s of images whizz past you that you almost go blind or a twirl or even a laugh is a reel and they garner more attention than the real-life stories around. Stories of people, passion, poverty, purpose, they all go unnoticed. What I realized was that they wanted the aesthetics of the yesteryears to narrate the stories in 30 seconds...A filter that is most popular is the old grainy VCR filter with the date and time covering half the screen.


a combining form meaning “hidden,” “not perceived immediately or with certainty” 

As the definition of the term goes it is not perceived immediately or with certainty. I am no authority on this. But people say it’s the next big thing in the Digital Financial world. Move over equities, bonds, derivative and the likes, the big boys of the town are here. The real reels to rake in money are through cryptos. To know less about it and how confused I am, you can read a blog I wrote a while back here about a close cousin of Crypto called NFT. Rightly so, the Greek root to it means Hidden.

So, after we have revered the Meta, that means transcending (to what, we are yet to figure) and Delta that is simply shaped like a triangle and denotes a difference mathematically and to Crypto that means hidden, life has been all Greek and less of Latin which means we have understood it partially. Sadly, Crypto takes the place of the ‘Guru’ in the traditional hierarchy, Unlike the Crypto, a Guru knows all and shares all and does not hide anything.

Now finally it’s only the ‘Deivam’ part of the traditional Indian value Hierarchy that has not found a replacement yet. It might / cannot be replaced by the antecedents in the original version but in the new normal version each of them is trying to be the ‘Deivam’ or the God. Meta plays God that promises happiness and joy in a Virtual world. The Delta happened because someone tried playing God the creator and Crypto is the hidden God of wealth. Irrespective of the caste, creed, religion or region one is from, there is one power above us all that make us what we are collectively, Human.

As a wise man once said.... We might not know what the future holds for us, but we sure know WHO holds the future!”

Wishing Your Families & You a Blessed Year filled with Good Health (sans the influencing ‘STORIES’) and Happiness in real life (without the help of Meta)V

Saturday, October 30, 2021

The Star who saw Stars!

 A fleeting glimpse of an elderly couple desperately trying to peep through the cracked open gates of the infamous Arthur Road prison just minutes after Body guards with packs in multiples of six swooped a celebrity kid (kid? No, not anymore, but will refer to him as that throughout this piece due to his naivety) from the very gate into a swanky shiny Range Rover made me write this piece. Fortunately, that image just caught my eye for a fraction of a second as the byte hungry media vultures were packing up and getting ready for their flight to keep pace with the horsepower of the Turbo Charged Range Rover.

Now, let me make it clear, this is not about taking a stand on the case and analyzing the rights and the wrongs, this is just a rant on the two malaises that haunts the Indian society, the Judicial system and the celebrity sycophancy. The rate at which the celebrities are being pulled up for drugs and other related offences, it makes sense to open an Arthur Road Annex in Bandra or Juhu as that would spare the commoners using the Artur Road and the infamous prison the inconvenience of road blockades etc.

Call it vendetta, targeting, framed, stereo typing etc. I believe in the old adage there is no smoke without fire, pun not intended, as these days you don’t need a smoke to create that ecstatic fire. It’s a fact that he was picked up under suspicious circumstances and was in jail for a good 28 days. Given the power and money involved, had it been a framed event it would have been exposed much earlier. But again, if the framing was as good as Plan B of ‘Casa De Papal’ then I have no arguments nor did the former Attorney General for two full days. I’m not sure I can call it a travesty of justice as the matter is Sub-judice. If it was a mistake to call it that, I hereby render my unconditional apology as I cannot afford the former Attorney General to bail me out. It is here, that my heart goes out for the elderly couple at the gate of the Arthur Road Prison. I just hope and pray whoever they were waiting for and whatever their crime was, he or she was out to celebrate the festive season with them today. Hopefully Justitia’s  (Lady Justice) Blind fold has not gone loose nor have the scales tipped due to the winds of change!

Heart goes out to the father, for whom I have huge respects, as someone who made it on his own in an industry flush with nepotism and familial rights. He was truly an embodiment of the great Indian middle-class common man making it big in the glitzy world of Bollywood. His affluence to get his son temporarily out of legal trouble might not compensate for the pain he might go through at the guilt of having been partly responsible for it to happen.  Sadly, the father fell into the trap like many middle-class parents of his generation, and it was very evident from the interview he gave when his son was hardly 3. He did mention a lot of things in jest, that are being attributed to the situation his son has found himself. However, I will definitely not concur to those nor hold that interview against him, as some are doing today. But will certainly hold him responsible for one statement he made in that interview. ‘He should do everything I have not done!’, this is one statement from a parent that spells doom for many a kid of this generation.

If this case can become a case study on parenting irrespective of, if you are a celebrity or not, the one statement you should refrain from when bringing up your children is “He or she have/should do everything I did not have / have not done”.

The celebrity sycophancy is another malaise that needs to be dealt with in this case. We had Bollywood divided right at the middle on this case. Virtually vociferous statements of support from people appearing ‘close’ to the celebrity, followed by a few journalists and media houses who rode on the closeness to the celebrity went all out. The noise was, as deafening as the silence from the other half which included the erstwhile Kandhans of Bollywood (not to be mistaken with the Khan-dhans of Bollywood who came out in full support) who refrained from making a statement / tweet of support of the celebrity.

I just hope and pray as the kid made his way back home, the name of which meant a Solemn Vow or a Pledge, made a vow / pledge himself sitting on the leather upholstered seats propelled by an 8 Cylinder engine to not to let his offspring have or do what he did not.

While the intention of the statement from a parent might be good, the execution of that will is not in their hands, just as it was not in the hands of the Super star father who saw stars before he saw his soon-to-be star son after an entire Lunar Cycle of 28 days.

A celestial disorder of sorts!

Saturday, October 9, 2021

The Lost art of Public Speaking


Public speaking was one art that had the power to stoke revolutions, create nations and also transform people. Sadly, this art like many other yester year artforms is going through a disruptive phase. Disruption is the buzz word these days and those who refuse to be disrupted will fall by the way side. 

 Today public speaking is taught as a skill in schools, and by Life Coaches, Communication gurus, 100-Year-old Non-Profit Organizations etc.  But has the essence of good public speaking been diluted overtime? Content and Language were the quintessential elements that went on to do all things mentioned in the first line of this blog.

Unfortunately, today content and language has been replaced by histrionics and drama and the speeches have been diluted to glorified mono acts on stage. We were taught the importance of the stage dimensions, gesticulations, modulation of our voices and emotional expressions. But all these acts were done only when absolutely necessary and only when the content, the timing of the content and the language warranted it.  

In a good speech the emotions and the drama came from within the deliverer spontaneously, while today the emotions, voice modulation and drama are being practiced during the run up to a speech. Drama was confined only to declamations in those days where one needed to enact the Protagonist of the speech and not just deliver the passage. Growing up I was fortunate to witness some great declamations, a few gems I still remember for the quality of deliverance was a rendering of Francisco's Money is the Root of all evil from Atlas Shrugged, and Shylock addressing Antonio in the infamous Pound of Flesh court scene in Merchant of Venice by acclaimed speakers of my era. The associated drama was a pleasure to watch. Not when a 12-year-old is delivering a Speech on Gandhi on his Birthday, voice modulation yes but no histrionics please as the subject/topic does not warrant it.

We take pride in our knowledge of English and wore our vocabulary skills up our sleeves. We were taught young to pronounce words correctly and write the cursives neatly. The post Industry 3.0 and Satellite television era with exposure to western sitcoms Indians started to imitate the western accent. Children took on from Pokemon, Spiderman and the likes, Teenagers from romcoms, MTV and VTV, desperate housewives from Desperate Housewives and the working executives from Bloomberg, CNN and BBC.

The emergence of BPO’s and Call centers legalized this new found love for western accents and that rubbed on to the Gen Z and their public speaking adventures. So today if you attend a Speech competition you see histrionics, mono act delivered with a borrowed accent swallowing the Ts’ and R’s in the process, just that the native accents make its appearance frequently like the intruders from across the borders. If the topic is humor throw in some clownery too with the rest.

I am no great orator myself, but my advice to thousands of speaking coaches / gurus out there involved in creating a tribe of good speakers, please train them up as speakers who can research and write well on a topic, deliver it with passion not drama, let them pace the stage in a measured way and not run or jump around the stage and for heaven’s sake they don’t need cardboard boats, swords and other paraphernalia  as props to get their message across. Forgive them if they do not pronounce a word right, as long as they can spell it right they are all good. A well delivered speech should stay in the minds of the listener much after they leave the auditorium and the two declamations I mentioned above were heard 31 years back.

These days I get to hear the great ‘I have a Dream’ speech delivered in multiple styles, and soon after, I have Nightmares!!!

Friday, June 4, 2021

What if Rodin’s The Thinker was just a Thought?

This blog is a requiem to the likes of Michael Angelo, Auguste Rodin, Donatello et al. A day when they would be turning, nah even getting up from their graves, masking themselves and heading to Italy to slap one of their tribe!

I’m not a connoisseur of art, nor a collector. But do love pieces of art and indulge in collecting affordable pieces, but these days love or appreciation of art is bordering between insanity and eccentricity. More than the art itself, the way it is being projected / perceived increases its value than the actual workmanship of the same.

Sculptures were synonymous with some great workmanship with dedicated hours, if not months of hard work and detailing. Thus, were born some all-time famous sculptures like David by Michael Angelo, or Auguste Rodin’s The Thinker in the West and some great pieces of art of Gods and Goddesses in the Indian peninsula. However, in the subsequent centuries’ sculptures started becoming bizarre and was acclaimed more for the explanation that came along rather than the workmanship or the craftiness of the piece itself.

Rodin made the first version of The Thinker around 1881. The first full-scale model was ready by 1904 and around 1886 Robert Louis Stevenson pursuing another art, the art of writing came up with a masterpiece of a book called Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde which continues to grace the prose books of today. A story of a man drinking up a serum and turning invisible.

Well almost 140 plus years later, that thought of R L Stevenson has crossed the mind of a sculptor who has ventured into producing or rather not producing, and displaying or rather not displaying a sculpture or nothing, and going on to sell that nothing, for something really big. All along, projecting that invisible sculpture as a work of art and giving the following explanation.

 “The vacuum is nothing more than a space full of energy, and even if we empty it and there is nothing left, according to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, that nothing has a weight,” “Therefore, it has energy that is condensed and transformed into particles, that is, into us.”   

He throws in Heisenberg, some might throw in Einstein, others Plato, and sell art that is not art as art. How artful of them! He calls the invisible Sculpture ‘Io Sono’ (which translates to “I am”).  Descarte once said ‘I think, therefore Iam’. Here comes Salvatore Garau, who sells an ‘I am’ even though the ‘I’ doesn’t exist for 18000 US$. It is beyond my reasoning that there were bidders at that auction who pushed the price up for something that they could not see. Salvatore Garau sold an invisible sculpture in a 5 X 5 Foot space. The explanation that followed said “When I decide to ‘exhibit’ an immaterial sculpture in a given space, that space will concentrate a certain amount and density of thoughts at a precise point, creating a sculpture that, from my title, will only take the most varied forms,”

Salvatore Garau sold 25 Sqft of space that you could carry home authenticated by nothing else than a certificate and gaze at all day and imagine a sculpture there all the while spending a fortune on it and be happy of your proud invisible possesion. If it were for me, I would have also asked him to accept his remuneration as a figment of his imagination and explain that the value of money also exists in the same vaccum that holds his sculpture, then it would have been a fair transaction. Had Salvatore Garau been born 140 plus years back Rodin’s Thinker would just have been a thought.

For the uninitiated who have not understood a word so far here is the link to the full story

Well as I said, unfortunately art appreciation has been abused over the years, a banana strapped to a wall or wall painted blue gets passed off as works of art and humanity has reached that obscene levels of stupidity and end up paying astronomical sums for things they don’t understand / see / feel / touch.

If Salvatore Garau could sell his invisible sculpture for US$ 18K, I would also place on auction at Christies, the Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta variants of Covid19 for 18 Million Dollars.  At least it’s also a work of invisible art by the Gods above that brought humanity to its knees!

18 Million dollars should help us buy a lot of vaccines!!! Any bidders???

Thursday, April 8, 2021


 The title reads “This piece is worth a Million Dollars’ Note the upper case ‘M’ and ‘D’. You change that, you get a different code altogether. I don’t blame you at this stage to think that I have lost my marbles due to the unending pandemic. Wish we could start calling it an Endemic, justifiably so, as new strains are emerging in line with the Vocal for Local philosophy.  At least a name like endemic would give us a hope of seeing an ‘end’ somewhere.

Gloom apart, I recently realized not everything around us is as depressing as it is made out to be. The uber rich are indulging in life big time continuing to collect art work and what not. Just that the art they are now collecting is in the form of NFT (Non-Fungible Tokens). So, what is it? I don’t intend taking your precious time trying to explain something I haven’t understood. Given below is a definition from the internet.

 ‘’They are essentially certifications of ownership recorded on a blockchain. Nonfungible tokens put the ownership of a digital product -- be it digital art, a video/audio clip or even just a jpeg or gif -- on that ledger. In the age of NFTs, downloading a picture is like owning a print. Having the NFT is like owning the original painting.

Any image, gif, pdf, jpeg, tweet and even a blog as important as the one you are reading now can be traded and saved for posterity. Art has well and truly come out of the closet and one need not be a connoisseur anymore to collect one. Twitter’s Jack Dorsey sold his first Tweet for US$ 3Mio and a digital art sold for US$ 69Mio. The insanity has reached such levels that some are even selling the sound bite of someone breaking the wind for as high as US$ 400.

Looks like an idle non-corona mind is a digital workshop these days. An overload of Cryptocurrency, Blockchain, NFT etc has crept into my reading in recent times. From what little I have understood Blockchains are the backbones for all this. A stack of blockchains are made up of what they call a Cryptographic Hash Function to form a ledger which I presume will look like a paragraph of my title which by the way was generated on a platform. The last I remember remotely about Cryptography was while reading the Da Vinci Code. I must admit that even during the high paying heydays of Tech and Coding careers I have shunned this field and stayed away, a decision, that I now deeply regret as I try and put this piece of writing on sale on the NFT platform looking for some bored rich soul to buy it as a recreational activity paying a few millions in any currency. All you naysayers out there, brace yourself and get Crypto and Blockchain savvy as it will touch your daily life sooner than you expect.

This might well be one of the last pieces of comprehensible writing mankind would see as the days of writing with known scripts are nearing its end. From now on it will look like the title of mine, the advent of emojis were already a precursor to the times to come.

My apologies to the experts on Cryptocurrency like Bitcoins, Ethereum, Ripple etc. and the gurus of Blockchain and the ‘art’ and fart collectors on the NFT platform, if I have belittled your efforts, research or investments in any way. My only concern is that mankind should not find its way back to the Tower of Babel to communicate in gibberish and write/sketch using Hieroglyphics as our ancient forefathers did.

Sunday, January 31, 2021

The Humble Hawaii

 When I mention the word Chappals or slippers the first image that comes to your mind is that of the humble blue and white soles with an easy to slip into ‘Y’ shaped blue straps. When Bata in the 50’s introduced the brand name Hawaii for slippers, it was a best seller, as the common man had finally found an affordable footwear with a feel good brand name that would give him a feel of walking the pristine beaches of the far away Hawaii, while in reality he was strolling down the shores of the Marina in Madras.

Hawaii went on to become a generic and people simply bought Hawaii and not chappals anymore and the brand name itself was used in many households as a weapon to shape the lives of many a wayward youngsters, both by their parents and the girls next door.

One of the most durable pieces of footwear of the days, as the soles outlived the straps everyone had a spare strap at home. A safety pin is all that was required to ensure that you could reach that last mile home and then replace it with a brand new one.

As the nation and the people grew in economic stature the poor little Hawaii found its place being moved to the insignificant corners of the house and slowly got confined to the wash rooms only.  And what a fall from grace it was for a name like Hawaii, to be called bathroom slippers. The final nail on the coffin was when the Indian PM a few years back commented that he wanted to see people who ‘even’ wear Hawaii chappal in a hawai jahaz. A statement akin to the one made by Shashi Tharoor referring to Economy class passengers as Cattle class, but the former quote courted less controversy for obvious reasons.

With Globalisation and opening up of the economy fashion statements changed and that brought about a change to the semantics of casual foot wear too. Flip Flops appeared from nowhere, slippers and chappals were crass and unsophisticated. Manufacturers of the good old Hawaii imitations also changed the design to remove the stigma associated with the blue and white bathroom slippers! Branding came into our lives and turned to an obsession and we were respected for the brand we adorned.

The inspiration to this story was when I saw the soles of my branded hardly worn ‘flip flops’ open up recently. I realized the relevance of a concept I came across called the Veblen Effect in Psychology which was being used inadvertently in the beginning but deliberately later, in brand promotion. Veblen effect is when consumers perceive higher priced goods to be worth much more simply because they cost more. This is exactly what happened to the good Old Hawaii slippers. They vanished when the chappals / slippers became flip flops, and when someone put a logo on the straps and you ended up paying and buying the brand and not foot wear for its utilitarian value, all the while paying more so that you felt it was worth much more. Incidentally the new global head of Bata is an Indian and this is also a shout out to him to revive the good old Hawaii!!!