Friday, September 26, 2008

A sibling walk makes headlines....

Events as trivial as a noon walk by siblings, in this case a brother and sister makes headlines.

It was a day, when Indian journalism showed signs of the paparazzi culture of the west. The siblings were of course from the first family of Indian politics, but does that warrant an intrusion into the privacy and cover a luxury (in our case a routine) of a walk down Lodhi Road.

Captions like ‘Gandhis out for a walk’ and ‘A Family that walks together stays together’ were immediately flashed across different Medias. The interpretations / speculations from the visuals shot from more than a 100M away gave enough fodder for the newsmongers for a couple of days. Rahul looked disturbed was one version and the other said Priyanka was seen advising Rahul on important issues. For all you know they must have just discussed a book or a movie in open air.

But stuffs like ‘Now playing… Rahul and Priyanka out for a Walk’ was quiet disturbing…The spontaneity with which the media covered the walk was as though it was an arranged press conference. The very fact that a decision between 2 siblings to go for a walk reached the eyes and ears of the media calls for a serious breach of security.

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