Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Man playing God yet again….but will this be the last time…

At least after the first day of the so called earth shattering experiment you are still around to read this blog, guess it wasn’t literally earth shattering after all. Revisiting the big bang and the search for the 'God particle' is on…As I write this, protons are zipping around happily inside a collider tunnel oblivious to the fact that mankind is actually dreading at the prospect of one of them misbehaving.
Well for lesser mortals like me it’s just another experiment. The only coincidence was that a tremor of 6.2 hit Bandar Abbas, Iran. I’m sure a statement would soon be released by the President of Iran, that the quake was a result of the experiment and sabotage by the western powers.
Cloning was the other experiment where man played God, luckily that so far has been limited to Dolly the sheep. Just hope cloned Pamela Andersons don’t appear overnight… it will be one ‘TWO’ many.
Personally I’m a strong proponent of DON’T MESS WITH NATURE…that’s the reason why I don’t even dye/color my strands of grey even after repeated threats from the missus.

1 comment:

Hari said...

funny as always huh? :) send me a note da... will be good to get in touch. cheers!