Saturday, January 24, 2009

I Barack Hussein Obama…

A week in which the 44th President of the United States of America was sworn in... & sworn in once again, to be legally and politically correct.
‘Where did you get that funny name?’ is what people asked him the most according to him in the prologue of his book ‘The Audacity of Hope’. Barack Hussein Obama a name that is quiet different & funny, a skin pigmentation that is different, and a talk that is different. So, as they say, the change is here… but for how long is the question. What better a name to mediate the Middle East crisis? A Jewish sounding first name, a Muslim middle name and an almost neutral last name. An American President’s name that does not have a Christian overtone to it. It’s no longer a Theodore, Robert, Richard, Ronald, Bill, George or even a Abraham but It’s just a Barack Hussein Obama.
Well every one I meet say that Obama is a great orator, but is that enough to be a neo world Atlas, When Atlas Shrugged the world shook. In this case if America sneezes the whole world catches a cold. Under such a scenario can we say an eloquent speaker is all that is needed to carry the American / World order forward? Will the talk ever walk?
Walking the talk is something only the seasoned politicians have mastered. I am always of the opinion that age matters in Politics. The older you are, the better you are, is the mantra in politics. It’s nice to make strong statements and send strong messages on day one of assuming office but the sustainability and the realisation of the statements / messages is what differentiates one from being referred in history and being history.
I always thought and felt that this American election was more emotional than rational. A kind of Indian reservation scenario was evident; I was reminded of the election of Mr. K R Narayan as the first Dalit President and the appointment of Justice K. G. Balakrishnan as the first Dalit Chief Justice, with due respects to both of them who deserve every bit of the positions they went on to hold. However I have a feeling that the emotional quotient prevailed over the rational in this American presidential elections.
Yes We Can!!! was an electoral slogan…? I’m sure the American people are all ready to say Yes we can once again but, Can you?? Mr. President. I just hope and pray that at the end of the 4 year term you can proudly beat your chest and say ‘Yes We can’ was transformed to ‘Yes we did’.
Congratulations and Good luck Mr. Barack Hussein Obama. (The sad part of it is, when you type Obama the spell check on MS Word returns Osama... so much for the good over the evil).

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