Friday, July 18, 2008

Games we used to play...(Contd)

As I told u Im back with this particular blog by popular demand …actually singular demand since I got a comment from my gud ol friend Nelson, who incidentally is the only one who reads my blogs and hence by singular demand here I go.
Thanks to Nelson, I was reminded of this most important terminology in the game of Marbles (Golli) ….’Jaan’. Though it means ‘my love’ in Hindi, what is relevant here is the 'Jaan' in Tamil when translated in English is a Span, a unit of measure between the tip of ur thumb and the tip of ur lil finger whn ur palm is stretched until the pain is unbearable, the bigger ur palm the bigger ur span and u cld almost touch the two marbles and be declared a winner…
And the next one Mudhu Punkcher Translated as (Ones back pierced or punctured) or the anglicized ‘Seven Stones’ was a pretty violent game and sometimes as painful as its second cousin Accupuncture…
There’s nothing much to explain here, as soon as some one knocks those pile of seven perfectly flat stone … u better run for cover ….or else u r dead..

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That was a good one on the game of GOLI. I am not sure if you are used to the term DOOMA GOLI as also Alley Goli.

Amongst the seasons were also Mombaram,Gilli Thandu, Kings (pretty similar to seven stones) hand cricket and French Cricket.We really had fun with these games in St. Bedes and I am sure none of the kids these days ever know of these games. My children dont even want to know how they are played. Keep Blogging Geoji. By the way why is your profile in Arabic. And you seem to be looking very different in the photo. I think its a long time since we saw each other.

Abu Dhabi.